Improve Advertising with the Use of a Grand Format Flatbed Printer

Posted on: 16 February 2022

A grand format flatbed printer can be used to create banners, posters, pamphlets, and other advertising materials that will promote business wares and services. If you would like to omit the need to use an outside printing source, learn how this type of printer operates and explore some ways that you can fine-tune your marketing campaign.

The Printing Process

A grand format flatbed printer is useful for creating paper documents and fabric display pieces. This type of printer can accommodate printing processes on irregularly-shaped media materials too. During a printing cycle, a vacuum system will be used. This system will secure materials that lettering and graphics will be added to.

Ink is applied directly to substrate materials, through the use of toner nozzles. The print quality that a grand format flatbed printer provides is superior to the quality that small-scale printer models provide. Digital imagery is comparable to the print grade that a consumer can expect to receive with the use of a grand format flatbed printer. Printing processes are quick and efficient, allowing mass advertising materials to be produced during each printing session. 

Files And Dimension Considerations

A file will need to be produced at the beginning of the printing process. Setting up a file that pertains to each printing process is necessary, due to the typically large sizes of the items being printed. The width of an item that can be printed will be dependent upon the printer size.

Anything that will fit through a printer's carrier can have print added to it. Large letters or graphics will require a high-resolution print job. A high-resolution setting will provide letters and pictures with sharp edges. A UV toner is a product that can be used with a flatbed printer. This type of toner will be resistant to moisture and humidity.

Advertising Improvements

If you have previously used small leaflets and other compact advertising materials to promote your brand name, adding larger materials can help you highlight some of the products and services that you would like your target audience to know about. Adding print to wood could be effective if you would like to add a rustic advertising display on your company's premises.

Burlap or vinyl materials that each have printing added to them can be used to create unique banners that can either be displayed in front of your commercial building or inside of it. Explore all of the print materials and quality elements that pertain to a grand format flatbed printer to determine if you would like to invest in this type of equipment.
